2024 Essential Reading
The following documents are important for you to read to understand the matching process and your responsibilities by participating.
Nursing and midwifery
new graduate guide
2024 Candidate Newsletters & Updates
The following newsletters have been distributed to candidates that signed up to the GNMP mailing list. We will add the newsletters as they are sent out. If you wish to sign-up to receive these in your inbox, please add your details via the link on the Home Page.
Under exceptional circumstances a health service may withdraw the matched allocation.
Valid situations when this may occur are:
- No response to communications to confirm their allocation and
contract details by the time specified by the health service. - AHPRA registration not completed in time to commence the graduate
program, and there is no opportunity to defer the commencement e.g.,
mid-year intake. - Supporting evidence not provided regarding “Right to Work in Australia”, visa information and/or English Language requirements.
Additional requested documentation not provided in time to commence the graduate program e.g., additional referee details. - Other preliminary checks not met for working with children check, police check, etc
- Refusal to adhere to the requirements for the role i.e. vaccination status, locations of work, rotations and / or shifts as per their contract
of employment. - In these situations, the health service would email the candidate and PMCV to advise of the withdrawal of the matched position and reason
Note: If the candidate is not completing their course requirements on time, they would be eligible to reapply for the next year’s match.
Yes, please see the list below:
Health services receive a list of allocated candidates and will not pursue or make offers to those matched elsewhere for the GNMP year.
In exceptional circumstances, candidates can request a release from their allocated Health Service due to hardship (e.g., seriously ill family member, personal health issue requiring relocation). Evidence must be provided.
The decision to issue a Release Letter is at the Health Service’s discretion, based on the reasons and evidence provided.
If approved, a Release Letter will be issued to the candidate and PMCV.
Candidates must present this letter to any new Health Services before discussions can begin. Without a letter candidates cannot apply to any other health service participating in the Match.
The following is a description of the wording used within the Candidate Handbook and this website:
Allocation – When the match algorithm is run, it allocates candidates to a Health Service based on the candidate preference and Health Service ranking, along with the number of available positions. Candidates will only receive one allocation.
Candidate – Person applying to the GNMP Match for a graduate position.
Distance Education – Candidates living in Victoria but studying at an interstate university online.
GNMP – Graduate Nursing & Midwifery Program
Intake Month – The anticipated month that training will commence.
International Student – Currently living and studying in Australia and will graduate with Australian qualifications.
Multi -Site – Graduate programs offered at a number of Health Service locations, usually a sister site or collaborative site to the main Health Service.
Preference – The action of you nominating Health Service graduate programs where you wish to work as part of a Match application.
PMCV – Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria, delegated responsibility by the Department of Health to administer the Graduate Nursing & Midwifery Program Match.
Each health service determines their local FTE requirements. Graduate nurses and midwives can be employed at any FTE. Graduates are generally employed between 0.6 and 1.0 FTE in their first year of practice to support their transition to the clinical environment.
Late Vacancy Stage
Unmatched candidates or those that did not apply to the Match, can apply to Health Services with remaining vacancies from Monday 9 September 2024.
Candidates wishing to participate do not need to register with PMCV. Applications will be direct to Health Services and can only be considered after this date.
The GNMP website’s Heath Service Directory, will be updated from 10am Monday 9 September 2024 to reflect the Health Services with vacancies. The Directory also enables access to the Health Service’s websites for further details on their individual application processes.
A Victoria resident is a candidate currently living in Victoria. The meaning of resident does not refer to “permanent residency”.
While PMCV understand candidates would like to as many reports as possible, it is important to understand from the perspective of the people needing to write the reports and the Health Services reading the reports. PMCV does want to increase the workload for the referees or assessing Health Services.
Health Services are only looking for two clinical referee reports unless specifically specified otherwise.
If you do want PMCV to remove a referee, the candidate must advise PMCV by email and the candidate must tell the referee immediately, as the referee will still have the email that was initially sent to complete the report.
Non-clinical referees should not be entered as a referee, as the template asks clinically based questions.
Include as much visa information as possible in the PMCV application. Mention your bridging via in your cover letter or CV to the Health Services, that will explain the missing information.
While you are not eligible for the 2024 Match for positions commencing in 2025.
You may still apply to Health Services that have graduate positions available for 2024.
These can be found on the GNMP Website’s Health Services Directory. Please note position numbers and application details relate to the 2024 Match, not to existing year vacancies.
Please undertake the following steps:
- You must filter the Health Service Directory by ticking Late Vacancy Stage.
- You must filter for future months.
- Email directly to the Health Service; not via their e-recruit or by instructions on their website for Match positions.
- Your email must clearly state in the subject line of the email: Late Vacancy application for position commencing in 2024.