Health Service Directory – Unavailable Streams Hidden

The Health Service Directory is currently being updated with Late Vacancy listings and will be finalised by 10am Monday 9 September.

  • Use the filters to find positions. Expand your search location to increase your chances of finding a graduate year
  • Select the Health service and click More Details for additional information about the program and the link to the Health Service’s website.
  • Regional Health Services can be found under the rural filter. Visit the tourism links where applicable to learn more about regional and rural locations.

The graduate programs listed and the number of positions available is subject to change and will alter during the Late Vacancy Stage.

Health Service listings will be removed when all their positions are filled.

The Late Vacancy Stage for 2025 positions will open at 10am Monday 9 September. 

How to use the Directory

Filter by Specialty
Stream Type
Health Service
Stream – Health Service Name
Intake Month
Stream – Intake Month
Multi Intake
Multi Intake
Multi Site
Multi Site
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